What is Abbreviation? Learn the definition of abbreviation also learn how to use abbreviations in spoken English.
What is Abbreviation?
Abbreviation is short form of word. We don’t like to write or speak always full form of words people like to write and speak short words, these short words known as abbreviations.
Title Abbreviation
- Pres = President
- VP = Vice President
- SVP = Senior Vice President
- EVP = Executive Vice President
- CEO = Chief Executive Officer
- CFO = Chief Financial Officer
- CMO = Chief Marketing Officer
- PA = Personal Assistant
- Dept. = Department
- Govt. = Government
- Mgmt. = Management
- Capt. = Captain
- Col. = Colonel
- Dr. = Doctor
- Gen. = General
- Lt. = Lieutenant
- MD = Medical Doctor
- Mr. = Mister
- Prof. = Professor
- St. = Saint
- Sgt. = Sergeant
- Sr. = Senior
- MD = Managing Director
- AC = Assistant Commissioner
- ADM = Additional District Magistrate
- C.J = Chief Justice
- HR = Human Resources
- AIG = Assistant Inspector General Police
- ASP = Assistant Superintendent of Police
- CIA = Criminal Investigation Department
- C in C = Commander in Chief
- CSP = Civil Services of Pakistan
- DC = Deputy Commissioner
- DM = District Magistrate
- F.O = Foreign Officer
- I.G = Inspector General ( of Police)
- MPA = Member of Provincial Assembly
- MNA = Member of National Assembly
- MP = Military Police
- MP = Member of Parliament
- Mr. = Mister
- Mrs. = Mistress
- M.S. = miss (used for female married & unmarried)
- Miss = used before unmarried girls)
- C/o = Care of
- S/o = Son of
- SHO = Station House Officer (of Police)
- SM = Station Master
- VC = Voice Chancellor
- PM = Prime Minister
- CM = Chief Minister
- DPO = District Police Officer
- AO = Accounts Officer / Administrative Officer
- CA = Chartered Accountant
- CFM = Chief Finance Manager
- C-in-C = Commander-In-Chief
- L. D. C. = Lower Division Clerk
- U. D. C. = Upper Division Clerk
- Lt. Gov. = Lieutenant Governor
- D. M. = District Magistrate
- V. I. P. = Very Important Person
- M. P. = Member of Parliament
- M. L. A. = Member of Legislative Assembly
- M. L. C. = Member of Legislative Council
- AMIE = Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers
Business and Finance Abbreviation
- Assoc and Assn = Association
- Ltd = Limited
- FTE = Full Time Employ
- HQ = Headquarter
- LLC= Limited Liability Corp.
- Corp= Corporation
- LET = Leaving Early Today.
- WOM = Word of Mouth
- WFH = Work from Home
- NIM = No Internal Message
- ANSI = American National Standards Institute
- APEC = Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
- ARO = Advance Release Order
- AS = Accounting Standards
- ASR = Automatic Send and Receive
- BEP = Break Even Point
- BG = Bank Guarantee
- BPO = Business Process Outsourcing
- BOP = Bank of Punjab
- BPR = Business Process Re-engineering
- KSE = Karachi Stock Exchange
- BSE = Bombay Stock Exchange
- CAA = Civil Aviation Authority
- C. B. I. = Central Bureau of Investigation
- G. P. O. = General Post Office
- H. Q. = Head Quarters
- C. I. D. = Criminal Investigation Department
- I. T. O. = Income Tax Officer
- PAF = Pakistan Air Force
- PIA = Pakistan International Airline
- PN = Pakistan navy
Technology and Electronic Abbreviation
- RAM = Random Access Memory
- LASER = Light Amplification by Stimulated emission of Radiation
- RADAR = Radio Detection And Ranging
- ROM = Read Only Memory
- LAN = Local Area Network
- WWW = World Wide Web
- NTP = Network Time Protocol
- WAN = Wide Area Network
- WAP = Wireless Application Protocol
- CPU = Central Processing Unit
- KWh = Kilo Watt Hour
- HDL = Hardware Description Language
- MCV = Mean Corpuscular Volume
- UHF = Ultra High Frequency
- LED = Light emitting Diode
- LCD = Liquid Crystal Display
- HST = High Speed Technology
- DBS = Data Base Server
- DBS = Direct Broadcast Satellite
- ASR = Automatic Send and Receive
- VHF = Very High Frequency
- AC = Alternating Current
- AC = Air Conditioning
- Amp = Ampere
- APTEC = All Pakistan Technology Engineers Council
- ATM = Automated Teller Machine (Banking
- BIOS = Basic Input Output System
- CD = Compact Disc
- CD-ROM = Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
- COM = Computer Aided Manufacturing
- COMSAT = Communications Satellite Corporation
- DVD = Dynamic Versatile Disc
- FM = Frequency Modulation
- GHz = Gigahertz
- kHz = Kilohertz
- KV = Kilo Volt
- kW = Kilowatt
- MW = Megawatt
- HTML = Hypertext Mark-Up Language
- HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- IBM = International Business Machine
- INTELSAC = International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium
- Intelsat = International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation
- IRBM = Intermediate Range ballistic Missile
- ITB = Information Technology Board
- IT = Information Technology
- ISP = Internet Service Provider
- FTP = File Transfer Protocol
- IP = Internet Protocol
- PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol
- URL = Uniform Resource Locator
- ABM: Anti-Ballistic Missile
- MSN = Microsoft Network
- SMS = Short Message Service
- MMS = Multimedia Message Service
- VCD = Video Compact Disc
- USB = Universal Serial Bus
- RAM = Random Access Memory
- VGA = Video Graphics Array
- PC = Personal Computer
- MAC = Macintosh
- PDF = Portable Document Format
- ROM = Read Only Memory
- VRML = Virtual Reality Mark-up Language
- VR = Virtual Reality
- OS = Operating System
- AI= Artificial Inteligence
- DBMS = Database Management System
- DNS = Domain Name System
- WiFi = Wireless Fidelity
- EXE = Executable
- ZB = Zetabyte
- TB = Terabyte
- GB = Gigabyte
- MB = Megabyte
- KB = Kilobyte
- GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication
- NOS = Network Operating System
- PING = Packet Internet Gopher
- PAN = Personal Area Network
- PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory
- SIM = Subscriber Identification Module
- TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
- TCPIP = Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol
- CRT = Cathode Ray tube monitor
- VIRUS = Vital Information Resource Under Seized.
- 3G =3rd Generation.
- 4G =4th Generation.
- 5G =5th Generation.
- GSM = Global System for Mobile Communication.
- CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access.
- AVI = Audio Video Interleave
- RTS = Real Time Streaming
- SIS = Symbian
- AMR = Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec
- JAD = Java Application Descriptor
- JAR = Java Archive
- JAD = Java Application Descriptor
- 3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership Project
- 3GP = 3rd Generation Project
- MP3 = MPEG player-3
- MP4 = MPEG-4 video file
- AAC = Advanced Audio Coding
- GIF= Graphic Interchangeable Format
- JPEG = Joint Photographic Expert Group
- BMP = Bitmap
- SWF = Shock Wave Flash
- WMV = Windows Media Video
- WMA = Windows Media Audio
- WAV = Waveform Audio
- PNG = Portable Network Graphics
- DOC =Document (Microsoft Corporation)
- M3G = Mobile 3D Graphics
- M4A = MPEG-4 Audio File
- NTH = Nokia Theme (series 40)
- THM = Themes (Sony Ericsson)
- MMF =Synthetic Music Mobile Application File
- NRT = Nokia Ringtone
- XMF = Extensible Music File
- WBMP = Wireless Bitmap Image
- DVX = DivX Video
- WML =Wireless Markup Language
- CRT = Cathode Ray Tube.
- DAT = Digital Audio Tape.
- DOS = Disk Operating System.
- GUI = Graphical
- UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply.
- HSDPA = High Speed Downlink Packet Access
- EDGE = Enhanced Data Rate for Evolution.
- GPRS = General Packet Radio Service.
- ARPANET = Advanced Research Project Agency Network.
- HP = Hewlett Packard.
Email and Text Abbreviation
- ASAP = As Soon As Possible
- E. O. E. = Errors and Omissions Excepted
- AYPI = And Your Point Is?
- KISS = Keep it Simple, Stupid
- 2G4U = Too Good For You
- AWHFY = Are We Having Fun Yet?
- GAL = Get A Life
- GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
- OTP = On the Phone
- J4F = Just For Fun
- QL = Quit Laughing!
- RUOK = Are you Okay?
- SITD = Still In The Dark
- TIC = Tongue In Cheek
- WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
- YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever
- ZZZ = Sleeping, Bored, Tired
- TC= Take Care
- IAM= In a Meeting
- NRN= No Reply Necessary
Medical Abbreviation
- LDL: Low Density Lipoprotein
- ADH = Anti-diuretic Hormone
- CNS = Central Nervous System
- BP = Blood Pressure
- Cal = Calories
- DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Measurement Abbreviation
- Kg. = Kilogram
- Gm = Gram
- Km = Kilo Meter
- M = Meter
- CM= Centimeter
- mm = Millimeter
- In = Inch
- Ft = Feet
- Mi = Miles
- gln = Gallon
- Ltr = Liter
- ML = Millilite
- mpg = Miles Per Hour
- kph = Kilometers Per Hour
- Ib = Pound
- pt = Point
- doz = Dozen
- tbsp = Tablespoon
- tsp =Teaspoon
- yd = Yard
- oz = Ounce
- sq = Square
- qt = Quart
- bbl = Barrel
- cu = Cubic
- kt =Karat
- kt = Knot
- rpm = Revolutions Per Minute
- Kl = Kiloliter
Educational Abbreviation
- B. A. = Bachelor of Arts.
- M. A. = Master of Arts.
- B.tech = Bachelor of Technology
- B. Sc. = Bachelor of Science
- M. Sc. = Master of Science
- B. Sc. Ag. = Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
- M. Sc. Ag. = Master of Science in Agriculture
- M. B. B. S. = Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
- B.A.M.S = Bachelor of Ayurved Medicine and surgery
- M. D. = Doctor of Medicine
- M. S. = Master of Surgery
- Ph. D. / D. Phil. = Doctor of Philosophy (Arts & Science)
- D. Litt./Lit. = Doctor of Literature / Doctor of Letters
- D. Sc. = Doctor of Science
- I.Com – Intermediate of Commerce
- B. Com. = Bachelor of Commerce
- M. Com. = Master of Commerce